Mataking Island
Mataking Island

Please fill the following Contact and Booking form:

Guest Name:
Guest Email:

Phone Number:

Please include country code if you live outside Malaysia.

Arrival Date: Day   Month   Year
Departure Date Day   Month   Year
Preferred Accommodation
Number of guests: Divers   Non Divers





Asia Dive Holidays Sdn. Bhd.

Kolam Centre, Jalan Lintas
88300, Kota Kinabalu
Sabah, Malaysia
Mobile: +60 178853933
Mobile: +60 189711472
微信Wechat: sipadan33
手机: +601116131217
Office: +60 88 257 669
Fax: +60 88 264 639
asiadiveholidays(AT) - Asia Dive Holidays